Entreprise responsable

Si vous êtes une entreprise qui cherche à améliorer son image, l’optique de la responsabilité d’entreprise est un angle approprié. Better Business Bureau (BBB), un organisme américain, fait la cotation des entreprises selon des critères (grading points). Je recommande que vous analysiez votre entreprise selon ces critères:


This chart shows the maximum number of points that can be earned or deducted in the BBB grading system. Please note there are some categories in which businesses can only lose points, and for those categories a « 0” is indicated as the maximum number of points that can be awarded.

Element Range of points that can be earned or deducted (maximum to minimum)
1. Type of Business 0 to -41
2. Time in Business 8 to -10
3. Competency Licensing 0 or -41
4. Complaint Volume 20 to 2
5. Unanswered Complaints 20 to -21
6. Unresolved Complaints 10 to 1
7. Serious Complaints 15 to 0
8. Complaint Analysis 8 to -12
9. Complaint Resolution Delayed 0 or -5
10. Failure to Address Complaint Pattern 0 or -5
11. Government Action 0 to -30
12. Advertising Review 0 to -41
13. Background Information 5 or 0
14. Clear understanding of business 0 or -5
15. Mediation/arbitration 0 to -41
16. Revocation 0 or -10

SOURCE: http://www.bbb.org/business-reviews/ratings/

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