WWF Introductory Course PROJECT DESIGN in the context of PROJECT CYCLE MANAGEMENT est ebook gratuit écrit par Meg Gawler qui nous aide à mieux préparer et mettre en oeuvre des projets. Une lecture recommandée.
Tools covered in this sourcebook include:
- a project planning glossary
- a strategic planning framework
- guidelines for project appraisal
- project formulation flow chart
- list of factors ensuring sustainability
- model table of contents for a project document
- the logical framework, and its strengths and weaknesses
- stakeholder analysis
- problem identification and analysis
- objectives analysis
- strategy analysis and scoping
- a decision matrix for selecting project strategies
- logic testing questions for the intervention logic
- an algorithm for determining whether an assumption should be included in the logframe
- generic indicators for pressure, state and response
- tips for setting indicators
- how to verify the logic of the logframe
- designing a monitoring and evaluation system
- project and programme monitoring matrices
- evaluation terms of reference
- evaluation matrix
- model table of contents for a project or programme evaluation report
- a results-based workplan and budget
- references and further resources.