Why follow trends when you innovate?

I don’t think a true innovation (that is strategic as well as technologic innovation) is necessarily the source of a trend.

But, an innovation which is outside of the trend has less chance of success because it takes more time to educate the public. When an innovation is on the same guideline as a trend, the public is aware and motivated into buying it.

Innovation is rarely the source of trends. The trends are rather cyclical in nature.

For example:

  • Return to 80’s does not depend on innovation, but a desire for many people to rediscover the spirit of « Saturday Night Fever, » with all its absurdity;
  • The store The Bodyshop , despite its innovative spirit, still follows a global trend of returning to nature, environmentalists and values;
  • The success of Foursquare is directly linked to that of mobile and mobility is from a greater tendency to nomadic life, which it dates from a certain spirit of the proper motion work in the city, which conveys the lifestyle  » citizen of the world « , etc..

According to Wikipedia:

Innovation is the result of the action to innovate. This is a change in the thinking process to perform a new share. It differs from an invention or discovery to the extent that it is part of an application perspective.


In fashion, a trend is a phenomenon observed on a particular group, a group that is part of another larger group. Often discussed in terms of statistics, a trend is most widely used to guide the production of goods and services.

In the case of an industrial consumer, for example, the only manufacturing quality is not sufficient to guarantee a commercial success: physical appearance, colors are available today meet the tastes of different customer segments, tastes that vary according to the fashion of the time.