Design et santé par Proteus Digital Health

Proteus Digital Health a mis en ligne Powered By You, une vidéo qui fait la description de leur solution pour faire le suivi médical. Leur Digital Medecine est une innovation qui permet de connecter le corps à un appareil technologique:

Proteus Digital Health is creating a new category of products and services that stands to significantly improve the effectiveness of existing pharmaceutical treatments, leading to fundamentally new care paradigms. We call the category Digital Medicines.

Digital Medicines are the same pharmaceuticals you take today, with one small change: each pill also contains a tiny sensor that can communicate, via our digital health feedback system, vital information about your medication-taking behaviors and how your body is responding.

As a result, you can be sure you’re taking your medicines as prescribed, while at the same time receiving unprecedented feedback on your physical response to treatment. This offers a path to improved health. Currently, over 50% of us don’t get full benefit from the pharmaceuticals we use, because we take the wrong dose or inconsistently follow our prescriptions. The information from Digital Medicines can help you manage better each and every day, and you can share this information with family members, clinicians and other carer givers, allowing for better informed treatment decisions.

We have completed clinical trials in various therapeutic areas. Our products have proven to have an exceptional safety profile across studies and very high levels of accuracy. Patients and families reported positive experiences and many asked to keep using the Digital Medicines after our trials were completed.

L’invention répond à un besoin réel et la solution semble plutôt simple à intégrer à sa routine personnelle.

Personnellement, je trouve ça à la limite de l’effrayant puisque je ne connais pas les risque s’il y en a, d’ingérer un tel médicament. J’ai hâte de lire vos commentaires!

via J’ai un doute

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